You Didn’t Choose Me Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Is Lord! He Is Lord Of Lords. king Of Kings.

Amarylis: The source of joy is Lord God. Lord Jesus Is God.



“You didn’t choose Me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using My Name. “Amen.


We didn’t chose him. He chose us first. Because He love us. Now we responded to his love because we found out that we can’t live without him. We need Him to face the World and to live victoriously. We can’t be a victor in this world without him. The world is so dark. To live peace we must have Lord Jesus because He is the Prince of Peace. Ask people who got No Lord Jesus, if they can tell you without pretence, they got no peace, no joy. Their so called peace and joy is shallow and sham. There is emptiness and black hole with out Lord Jesus. Only the Lord’s Spirit who is the Holy Ghost can fill the emptiness. He is the comforter, He is the living water. With the continuous flow of living water, there is life, there is spirit, there is fruitfulness, there is peace and abundance, there is overcomer and victory over death, there healing over sickness  there is wealth and riches over poverty, there is freedom over captivity or oppression. We need The Lord Jesus to advance in this scary, competitive world where satan the devil is the prince of the air where he rule two heavens and land(earth). Satan exist whether you like it or not. He wants people not to know that he exist so that he can own and devour them. The question is do you want to be eaten and swallowed by satan himself, do you want him to make you slave and captive. You saw that in the movies people who are captive and yet so many captives here in this world and I was one of them long time ago. I say this with boldness that be free from captivity. The is hope and freedom in God’s way. There is freedom In the Lord Jesus. I taste his Love and I want more of him, more and more.

The Lord Jesus Healed My Drooping Eyes Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Is Lord. He Is Lord of Lords. King of Kings.

Amarylis : Lord Jesus Christ Of Nazareth Is God. Read Revelation in The Bible. He Is the Word. The Word is the Spirit Sword.



May the Lord SHOCK me this week with the grace and kindness I have never experienced before.

This was in the post, I copied it and confess it.

During graduation of my daughter, I noticed when I looked to the picture in the iPhone taken by the Japanese man, something wrong to my eyes, it dropped so heavily. It was like desperate of a need of eyeglass. I could see well but something wrong to my eye lids, seemed to close. If it was not the Holy Spirit’s voice, I don’t know how would I react. But the Holy Spirit comforted me not to worry. Well I tried to not cares but I couldn’t help to think something wasn’t right. Then I heard ” because you don’t put properly your eyeglass when you read, you put it at the tip of your nose. So your eyes and eyelids got the habit of looking down to what you are reading.” Then I heard ” it’s the infirmity! It’s infirmity! You got it from people whom you pray.” This time I closed my mouth and I learned never to blame the Father in Heaven. I had a history of blaming the Father in Heaven, and I don’t want to go to that anymore. He is a good God and whatever is this, I have to trust him.

Last night, the Father In Heaven visited me. He told me to stand up because He will heal my eyes. He told me to raise up my two hands. He instructed me to open my eyes wide. I could hear the stretching of my veins in the eyes. I felt a slight stinging on my eyes too. Right eye then left eye. Then He asked me to close my eyes then open it. I was abled to see clearly around and I felt freed from my eyelids that seemed to droop.

I was in the library, I heard the Holy Ghost as He introduced himself said ” Ione , open your eyes wide, look to the green plants( there were green plants beside the glass wall) , I will do some finishing touch in your eyes. The green plants has a calming effect in the eyes. Then he told me to close and open it. Same thing, I looked around me so clear and and very much comfortable feeling around the side of my eyes.

The Holy Ghost said ” see the green flowers, the Father in Heaven created that. He is the creator. He created you, therefore if something goes wrong with you, He knows how to fix you because He made you. So don’t be afraid or discourage to pray to people. The Father in Heaven is quick to fix you. I still used my eye glass when I read but I don’t put anymore at the tip of my nose and there is no more drooping of my eyelids and discomfort around my eyes and blurry around me.

Worldly Rich by Jesse Duplantis

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ is Lord! He is Lord of all lords.

Amarylis : there are plenty in the Hollywood celebrities who died without Knowing Jesus. Good on Donald Trump ! Paula White interviewed him, I am sure he got Jesus with Him already. Wow, Oprah Winfrey is a believer who loves Jesus. Whether we are rich or still poor in Christ we are rich.


For people who aren’t already prospering in the world, spiritual prosperity will be the key to obtaining earthly prosperity. Many people who get aggravated about their situations. They look down the road at their neighbor and say, “That guy down the block is prospering like crazy and I know he doesn’t know God!” That’s right. You hit it on the nose. The guy doesn’t know God. He may not even be saved.
He’s doing everything in his own strength. And he may be very successful at what he does. He may have learned how to go out into the world and produce wealth. But the rules for you don’t apply for him. He’s going to hell. You’re going to heaven. Big difference. He’s working under natural law and, although he is becoming successful, there is no peace without Jesus and so it will amount to nothing in the end. He is not prospering spiritually, physically or financially. He only has the financial prosperity, and without the Lord he’ll have a hard time making it last for very long.


A “Glove” Affair Mahesh And Bonnie Chavda

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : The Leading of The Holy Spirit is the secret to your Success.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
 because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;
 he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
 and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Is. 61:1-2

These were Jesus’ words as He began His public ministry, announcing to all what He was about to do: heal, deliver, set free – ushering is a season of God’s favor with signs, wonders and miracles confirming His good news. Jesus was modeling something for all the believers who are going to follow Him. If He needed to be filled with the Spirit, then you do. If He needed to be led by the Spirit, then you do, too. It’s not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit. And Jesus made the way for us to be reunited with His Spirit so that His Presence is dwelling in us and moving through us to make all things right.

The strategy and power for your life will come from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “It is better for you if I go away because when I go to the Father he will send the Holy Spirit in My stead. He will be with you and IN you.” We tend to think of the anointing of the Lord coming on us from the outside. But a powerful picture of Jesus’ words, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,” is found in Judges 6:34, when “the Spirit of the Lord came on Gideon.” The Hebrew language here literally means God put Gideon on like a glove! A glove can do nothing on its own, but when you put a living hand into its form, the glove is instantly animated with power and life. So it is when “the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you.” Your body of flesh, your mind, your heart, simply become the the vehicle for God Almighty to do His thing in your generation.

Your life is a “glove affair” with God. As Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor; he has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

We are in a season where God is pouring out His Spirit with grace and favor. His presence is thickening all around us, and He is looking for those who will welcome His visitation. Will you let Him put you on as His glove today?


Grow or Die by Bishop Tudor Bismark

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : The moment I learned from the ministries I partner that we grow and grow spiritually by hearing the Word of God. I immediately applied that principle in my life. So many voices that tried to stop or discourage me but I was determined not to be sidetrack because I was feed up of being immature. I got feed up with my sister kept telling me that I got no common sense ( that was a lie of the devil). Wow! The Word works. My sister has shut her mouth ever since when she witness the change of me. No more little sister to be manipulated. It is very important that we grow mature. We can’t stay thinking like child when our body is growing. The Word change us in and out. If you are in the Word consistently, then for sure you are not the same anymore. You are change for the better. You cannot be shaken when things around you go wrong because you got the foundation and that is the Word.

Paul wrote

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Bishop says he was speaking of Steven’s stoning (recorded in Acts). At that time, Paul had just completed his training and he was judging the matter. Instead of listening first, thinking and then speaking, he spoke first, listened second and thought last. This is in contrast to Jesus when He was presented with the woman who was caught in adultery. Jesus listened first, thought second and then spoke. Jesus represented maturity.

He says we are like children in the market place (Matthew 11) who are unaware of the levity of the things going on around us (spiritually).

There are so many times we judge a situation often (usually) seeing only one side or one dimension of what is going on or what has gone on.

This past week I helped to move a friend of mine from one city back to her small town. This is someone who was once very close to me. To speak frankly (and if she reads this, I hope she understands I am not judging just observing) her life is a mess right now. She has worked very hard for her education but so far her education is not working for her. She has floated in and out of relationships (who hasn’t) and at this point, she clearly has a substance abuse problem. Her “friend” told me she has mental problems. (Sometimes we start believing everything that has been said about us – why do we always believe the bad things and not the good things?) I don’t think so…I think she’s just sad because life hasn’t turned out as planned. The thing is, when I look at her, I see unwritten books, I see poetry, I see untapped potential, I see a teacher, I see a mother, I see a sister, I see someone who is trying so hard to break out and BE. You know, be who God created her to be; just be herself. She has to grow beyond where she is or she is going to die. She doesn’t belong tucked away in a small town she was made for bigger things. Some people belong in small towns – small towns are great but she doesn’t belong there.

Every person comes to a place in their life when they have a “grow or die” moment. There are different levels of “grow or die”. Some are grow of die a slow death; some are grow of die a quick and sudden death. Grow or die a slow death are painful.

There are also different types of growth. Some growth is not on the surface but rather it is “putting down roots growth”. Some growth is fruit growth. Several years ago, I received a prophetic word and was told not to worry about growth because I am like a tree planted by water and that my roots go down very deep. I liked that because it went along with some other prophecies I had been given over the years about tree-like attributes. The thing is, we must be rooted and grounded in something or we simply will not survive life. My rooted and grounded in the Kingdom of God; it is pure and simple. It’s not about a church; it’s not about a religion; it’s not about a ministry. It is about Jesus; it is about relationship; it is about bridging others with Jesus; it is about growing in my relationship with Jesus and helping others grow.

Death is a fact of life. Eventually we will all die. If we leave our spirit untended, it too will die. We will become a shallow shell of a person. Our goal spiritually has to be to grow more than we die. It’s math. We have to grow our spirit more than we kill our spirit. Think about it. Bishop Phillips always said (I assume he still says this) “Garbage in; Garbage out”. We feed our spirit. What we feed our spirit determines it’s growth or death. Think about it – there are people who after we are around them, we feel uplifted and encouraged but there are others who leave us drained and depressed. There are things we read that are so inspiring while other things leave us feeling dirty. These are the gates: the ear gate, the eye gate; the mouth gate…what we hear, what we see and what we say.

It’s time to GROW!!! It is time to GROW our spirit.

Galatians 6:8
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

In order to grow our spirit, we must sow to the spirit. It’s time to focus on spiritual growth.


Dance with Me by Mahesh and Bonnie chavda

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis: the writer here speak the truth. If you are so deep with the Word of God , one day the breakthrough will come, you will hear Him speaking to you like a person speaking infront of you. But you hear Him inside in you that your ears can hear it well. One day, an older woman from a church gave me a second lift in her beautiful car. I don’t know her. She must be an important in the church because I noticed when people came near her, they talked nicely and their body language change reserved for an important person. While sitting beside her, she was busy talking while I was busy listening to the voice of The Lord. He was talking about the woman beside me telling me a lot that I didn’t know. I was trying not to burst in laughing because it was no longer a secret. So the woman invited me for a cup of coffee. Immediately I heard the voice ” Say Yes, accept it. She will be good friend.” So I accepted her offer and that was many many months ago, she became my good friend to me and to my family. As we talked, she spilled some of her secrets, she got lots of money, and helped people too. I told her , “The Lord told me about you ,” my message here, is that The Lord didn’t want me to miss her good friendship. I am always busy, and hurrying, and I always tell people I can’t be there because I am busy. When you Obey and Faithful to God, He will not withhold anything from you.

My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words. Psalm 45:1

Several years ago, I, Mahesh was speaking at a pastor’s conference. During one of the breaks, we all went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. As we walked in the Lord highlighted our waitress for me. He began to share His heart for her and her struggle. I just listened to the Lord as we sat down and everyone began to put in their orders. There was a lot of commotion as people were focused on their lunch or exchanging stories with one another, but there was another sound that was in the atmosphere. It was the Lord of Glory bending down to touch a mother’s heart.

At the end of the meal, I told the young woman that the Lord knew about her son’s kidney condition, and that I saw His healing glory coming to heal. She broke down crying. Her infant son was dying of kidney failure, and she carrying that burden of pain. The Lord was singing a song that day, and He was looking for someone who would tune into His frequency to pick up His word of healing for a daughter in distress.

It was not me, it was Him. I simply picked up the vibration of the glory and moved into rhythm with His dance. God wants to tune our hearts to always behold Him so we can all be glory transmitters from heaven to the world around us.

How do you tune your heart? It all begins with love. My heart is overflowing with a song of love for Jesus, and that love keeps my spiritual eyes and ears always tuned to His vibration. I want to know what He is saying. See what He is seeing because I love Him, and want to know Him more. I want to enter into the rhythm of His dance in tandem with Him. Out of that overflow come the miracles, words of knowledge, glory.

God has a dance reserved just for you. You can tune your heart to pick up His song, and move in harmony with Him so that where you are, He is and where He is, you are. The Lord of Glory is inviting you, “Dance with Me.”


I AM Watching Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : majority of my post is repeating and repeating about meditating, confessing and declaring. Keep reminding you all the time. For we all human, we forget. If the words are repeated a thousands times that means it is very very important and it is a must. This blog got all the Word of God for confessions, meditations and declarations.

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it.” Jer. 1:11

Anointed words really do come from the Lord. They really do come to pass, sometimes right then and there. Our job is to keep from grabbing after them. It is in a place of quietness and rest and contentment that God will give us a word that we can speak in the heavenlies. These words control destinies—not just for our individual lives, but for people, and churches, and nations.

Sometimes we put the onus of its fulfillment on the one receiving the word, saying, in effect, “You have to qualify.” That is not scriptural. If the word is from God it will come to pass. Does that mean we don’t pray? No, of course we pray! But we pray in full confidence that the One who spoke is faithful and more than able to do what He said He would do. We step into harmony with His word, meditating on what He has promised, looking past the current “not yet” to the realm of glory that surrounds God’s promises, and we persevere in patience during the wait.

What promise are you waiting for? What dream did the Father plant in Where heart? Be encouraged in your journey. When it is the word of the Lord, every barrier is moved. Every shut door is opened by the life of God that is in the word. As God said to Jeremiah about the almond tree, “I am watching over my word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12). The Lord is in His word to perform it with authority and power.


3 mindsets that block our blessings! By Paula White

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

good and faithful servant;
thou hast been faithful over a few things,
I will make thee ruler over many things:
enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Matthew 25:23

Take therefore the talent from him,
and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
For unto every one that hath shall be given,
and he shall have abundance:
but from him that hath not shall be taken away
even that which he hath.
Matthew 25:28-29

During the month of November, we hear a lot about gratitude. Gratitude is more than being thankful for your blessings. Gratitude flows from a person’s heart when they see the good in God’s character, the good in themselves, and the good in others.

Gratitude is about finding what is good and magnifying it by appreciation and celebration. When we appreciate and celebrate the people, miracles and gifts of God in our lives, we begin to prosper because kingdom assignments are being fulfilled and expanding!

Every person of God exists within a certain culture and paradigm which has worldly mentalities and attitudes that are contrary to God and must be fought against. We are commanded by God to cast down these arguments and rationalizations, and every high thing that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5).

I don’t like the word “deserve.” I have had people say to me in the past about success in the ministry, “Good for you. You deserve it!” I felt like saying to them, “No, I don’t deserve anything! If I got what I deserved, I would be in hell.” One worldly mentality we must war against is something I call “the entitlement fallacy.”

You must break any “entitlement fallacy” that you are “owed” something in life and begin to change an attitude of ingratitude by imagining how empty your life would be without the blessings of God given to you.

Steps to Breaking the Entitlement Fallacy
Remind yourself that there are no ordinary moments. Resolve to cherish each and every day of your life. Awareness causes you to embrace your life journey with gratitude, so how you travel your path is more important then reaching your ultimate destination.

Stop complaining. Complainers remain, but the “praisers” get raised! The complainer always feels shortchanged, deprived and picked on in life. They becomes envious and bitter towards those who seemed to have been blessed with what’s missing in their own life. They suffer with secret resentment.

Are you faultfinding and judgmental? Gratitude is rooted in grace! When grace is your case, you are non-judgmental of yourself, of others, of events and of situations. You must extend to yourself and others the same love and mercy that God extended to you.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Being justified freely by his grace
through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
Romans 3:23-24

But God, who is rich in mercy,
for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sins,
hath quickened us together with Christ,
by grace ye are saved..
Ephesians 2:4-5

Every person of God exists within a culture with ungodly attitudes that must be fought against. Since we belong to the kingdom of God, we must fight against the arguments of entitlement, complaining and faultfinding. These three mindsets are enemy strongholds that block our blessings! Don’t let enemy strongholds block your blessing! Gratitude is rooted in grace.

God’s grace empowers us with the freedom to love Jesus, ourselves, and others without judgment. When we recognize what is right and praise God for it, we are ready to be raised!


Avoiding Envy by exavierpope

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord,

Amarylis : Envy and Jealousy is very dangerous, it can poison , destroy and kill a person. My family back home are very private people but our neighbours would target my family with all the gossips, and most of the times gossips hurt. My family might not be mixing but people saw and observed what was going on. A few years ago, I went to visit my family. My brother got a few cows , the kitchen was so busy. I was in the corner standing and saw a person looking outside the fence observing like a detective. My late godmother used to sneak and observed ended to bewitch me. My cousin went to so many forms of witchcraft to destroy me due to envy. Instead of good neighbours it became the best enemy because of jealousy and envy. We want to share and love but ,Instead of helping and supporting , it became scheming to destroy the person and their business. Behind the smiles and friendly face is an evil motives. I believe you met these kind of people. They look harmless but it can destroy you. I read the story of Sidney Sheldon,” If Tomorrow Comes”, it might just a novel to entertain the reader but the story bears truth. The world is full of deception, it can cost your joy, peace, wealth and your life. We need Jesus. We need His Word.

Galatians 5:19. The flesh is a mindset that does not line up with the Word of God. 1 Peter 2:1. Envy is dangerous and should be set aside.

Envy will stop the blessing. Acts 13:44. Jews were jealous more people came to hear the Word of God. They also spoke against Paul contradicting and blaspheming him. Anytime people envy me they are going contradict me and speak against me.

Romans 13:13. Paul says don’t walk in envy, it causes strife.

1 Corinthians 3:3. Paul says Christians who act as the world (or carnal), will be conformed of this world. (see KJV and AMP version). AMP version says we act like unchanged people because we allow envy and strife to beset us. It is still happening in the church.

James 3:14-16. Evil and foul practice comes from envy.

There should a be a distinction between those who have the blessing working those who do not.

Genesis 26:26-27. When the blessing is on me others can see it. Genesis 26:29. Abimelech asked Isaac not to harm them because they knew those that are blessed could curse them. Then they praised Isaac, those that once cursed him. Those that envy us for our blessing will eventually praise us.

Pray justice of injustice in my life. Declare justice!. Isaiah 61:7-9. For our shame on injustice we shall be increased double. All will see we are the blessed of the LORD and will recognize me as such. People who lied against me, cause me injustice will cry out I am blessed. 61:10-11. Because of such I will rejoice in the LORD’s salvation! In the body of Christ I won’t be confused (like the world), but praising! So while the world is depressed, I’ll be blessed and expressing joy. So that is why I will not allow envy to have place in my life.

I will speak against envy and rejoice those who have good things!


Being Humble: Why it’s Important to God by INSPIRATION MINISTRIES

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis: I met a lot of proud people, very proud. In my point of view, proud is how a person talk and how he look to the other person. They say without compassion and understanding to the other person. They talk like a mighty person , as if they had not experience hardship. I had experienced being put down by lots of proud people and it hurts. All I could say ” Never mind.” With tears in my eyes. So by the time I became confident and very independent , and had been through many bad situations and came out victorious. I learned to be careful what I say to those who are still struggling. I choose words that elevate them. I respect people who the proud does not respect. My heart goes to the person who is hurting because I had been there. I am always ready to help because I used to be helpless. But God doesn’t like proud people. He exalt the humble one. God knows who is the humble one because He looks to the heart of the person. So many times , many who used to be the top , the next season, they were down. It is very slow, most of the time it doesn’t happen overnight. I had a friend who talked very high, after so many years she lost her marriage, her children and her beautiful home and cash. Now she has to work double time to pay the mortgage . Her talk now is full of struggles. Now she doesn’t like me because By the grace of God I am doing well. Being humble is what God favors.

We know that Jesus died for our sins and our human faults. This was done to reestablish our relationship with God. But there’s an important step each of us must still take to access the mercy and grace that His death affords us.

That step is to practice humility. Scripture says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

But what does it mean to be humble?

To be humble is to realize how weak we are; how helpless we are to change the course of our lives in our own power. It’s to ask God for His forgiveness and to trust Him for His guidance. That’s what He wants to see abiding in our hearts.

He wants us to realize and confess our helplessness, our sinfulness, and our complete need for Him in our lives; and we can do exactly that, regardless of the depth of the flaw, since we know God will never reject those who come to Him with a humble spirit:

“The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

Even if we believe we’re being humble, it’s often difficult in our current society to show as much humility as the Lord would like. Culturally, we’ve moved further away from God’s ways and instead placed focus on the world’s ways. Humility is not seen as a positive trait—it’s seen as a weakness—and in a lot of cases, humility is seen as a flaw that should be avoided at all costs.

Just think about your own social or professional life. How often do you hear someone around you admit they were wrong or made a mistake? When was the last time you admitted such things?

These days, people are afraid to admit wrong or unveil a weakness, and instead let themselves move to a position of pride. Once there, it’s easier to lie, make excuses, or ignore personal issues rather than face them in humility. And in God’s plan, pride becomes an obstacle that halts His mercy.

Removing Pride as an Obstacle
To put pride aside and receive God’s full blessings, we must come to God through Jesus, confess our need and weakness, and ask Christ to cleanse and receive us. We must ask Jesus to take control of our lives and guide us every step of the way.

It’s then that pride will be put aside and the doors opened to receive His full blessings. Remember this passage as you turn your back on your old ways:

“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:7).

Even if you’ve already confessed your weaknesses and asked Christ to receive you, doing it is not a one-time thing. It’s ongoing, and should be a part of your daily prayer life.

If you’ve never acknowledged that you’re a sinner, confessed your sins, repented for your sins, and declared your belief that Jesus is God’s Son who died to save you, use the link below to pray for Him to come into your life.
