Good Seed In Bad Soil Bring Bad Results Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord! He Is Lord of Lords. King of Kings.

Amarylis: You can’t grow if you surround yourself with the wrong people. Check the people around you. Listen the way they talk towards you. Make a decision, it’s your destiny you are after. Having wrong associations or wrong connections, there’s a danger you could miss your destiny. Pray to God to give you courage  boldness and be fearless to say no to wrong people. Use the Name of Jesus.


You can have good seed but if you plant it in bad soil it will affect how it roots and how it grows! #tphonline


 You can’t grow if the people around you hate you. You can’t grow if the people around you doesn’t support you.

I remember more than two years ago, me and my oldest child had been prophesied by a wellknown prophet in New Zealand. People and Pastors hear about us because the prophet was holding microphone. When the good words was release to us, after a few days, the husband Pastor told me and my child ” you can’t believe a prophet. It will not happen.” We just kept our mouth shut. Then the wife tested me about prophesy whether I can prophesied. She used the Bible class. The first test, she went against it but my classmates can’t be deceived. She put the man who was the son of the Pastor. I said ” He is a leader and administrator.” The Pastor said ” but he is already.” The Holy Spirit said ” she didn’t acknowledged me.” The reality the man is still under training. Then second round She put a very tall man infront for us to say something about him. The Holy Spirit said ” say Diamond!” I said to that man ” Diamond!” He said ” hey my family called me Diamond. Long time ago, they called me Diamond. It’s freaky. It’s freaking me.” The wife Pastor shut her mouth. She couldn’t say against me.

The Lord removed me from that church. The Holy Spirit said to me ” if you didn’t obey because of your children, you will not be in this level.” I grow so fast when I removed oppositions around me. I grow so fast when I removed people who curse me. I grow so fast when I removed people who limits me. I grow so fast when I removed people who backbite me. I grow so fast when I removed people who don’t want me to succeed. I grow so fast when I removed people who doesn’t believe in me. What ever their relations toward me either friends or family relations, I removed them. I decided no more sentimentality. These people can’t help me and I can’t allow these type of people to derail and hinder me in fulfilling my purpose in life, reaching my destiny. i want to die fulfilling the desire of my heart. i want to finish the race with so many souls saved and touch many peoples lives.

You want to jump as many levels as you can, be decisive. Prune the wrong people out of your life. Be ready to meet oppositions. These are only temporary. What is important you finish the race in your life with a big smile.

Grow or Die by Bishop Tudor Bismark

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : The moment I learned from the ministries I partner that we grow and grow spiritually by hearing the Word of God. I immediately applied that principle in my life. So many voices that tried to stop or discourage me but I was determined not to be sidetrack because I was feed up of being immature. I got feed up with my sister kept telling me that I got no common sense ( that was a lie of the devil). Wow! The Word works. My sister has shut her mouth ever since when she witness the change of me. No more little sister to be manipulated. It is very important that we grow mature. We can’t stay thinking like child when our body is growing. The Word change us in and out. If you are in the Word consistently, then for sure you are not the same anymore. You are change for the better. You cannot be shaken when things around you go wrong because you got the foundation and that is the Word.

Paul wrote

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Bishop says he was speaking of Steven’s stoning (recorded in Acts). At that time, Paul had just completed his training and he was judging the matter. Instead of listening first, thinking and then speaking, he spoke first, listened second and thought last. This is in contrast to Jesus when He was presented with the woman who was caught in adultery. Jesus listened first, thought second and then spoke. Jesus represented maturity.

He says we are like children in the market place (Matthew 11) who are unaware of the levity of the things going on around us (spiritually).

There are so many times we judge a situation often (usually) seeing only one side or one dimension of what is going on or what has gone on.

This past week I helped to move a friend of mine from one city back to her small town. This is someone who was once very close to me. To speak frankly (and if she reads this, I hope she understands I am not judging just observing) her life is a mess right now. She has worked very hard for her education but so far her education is not working for her. She has floated in and out of relationships (who hasn’t) and at this point, she clearly has a substance abuse problem. Her “friend” told me she has mental problems. (Sometimes we start believing everything that has been said about us – why do we always believe the bad things and not the good things?) I don’t think so…I think she’s just sad because life hasn’t turned out as planned. The thing is, when I look at her, I see unwritten books, I see poetry, I see untapped potential, I see a teacher, I see a mother, I see a sister, I see someone who is trying so hard to break out and BE. You know, be who God created her to be; just be herself. She has to grow beyond where she is or she is going to die. She doesn’t belong tucked away in a small town she was made for bigger things. Some people belong in small towns – small towns are great but she doesn’t belong there.

Every person comes to a place in their life when they have a “grow or die” moment. There are different levels of “grow or die”. Some are grow of die a slow death; some are grow of die a quick and sudden death. Grow or die a slow death are painful.

There are also different types of growth. Some growth is not on the surface but rather it is “putting down roots growth”. Some growth is fruit growth. Several years ago, I received a prophetic word and was told not to worry about growth because I am like a tree planted by water and that my roots go down very deep. I liked that because it went along with some other prophecies I had been given over the years about tree-like attributes. The thing is, we must be rooted and grounded in something or we simply will not survive life. My rooted and grounded in the Kingdom of God; it is pure and simple. It’s not about a church; it’s not about a religion; it’s not about a ministry. It is about Jesus; it is about relationship; it is about bridging others with Jesus; it is about growing in my relationship with Jesus and helping others grow.

Death is a fact of life. Eventually we will all die. If we leave our spirit untended, it too will die. We will become a shallow shell of a person. Our goal spiritually has to be to grow more than we die. It’s math. We have to grow our spirit more than we kill our spirit. Think about it. Bishop Phillips always said (I assume he still says this) “Garbage in; Garbage out”. We feed our spirit. What we feed our spirit determines it’s growth or death. Think about it – there are people who after we are around them, we feel uplifted and encouraged but there are others who leave us drained and depressed. There are things we read that are so inspiring while other things leave us feeling dirty. These are the gates: the ear gate, the eye gate; the mouth gate…what we hear, what we see and what we say.

It’s time to GROW!!! It is time to GROW our spirit.

Galatians 6:8
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

In order to grow our spirit, we must sow to the spirit. It’s time to focus on spiritual growth.


The Next Steps to Growth By In Touch

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord ! He Is Lord Of All Host.

Ephesians 4:14-16

Yesterday’s devotion covered three steps to Christian growth: renewing our minds through Bible reading, confessing sin, and repenting of that sin. Today we will look at three more factors that will build us spiritually.

Any believer—whether mature or new to the faith—would be wise to receive godly counsel. I have seen some great men and women take a terrible plunge away from God because they were too proud to admit weakness. The Lord sees us as we truly are; we lack the ability to view ourselves objectively, which is why it’s important to have a friend who will be completely honest about our faults and mistakes. A godly counselor won’t be critical or condemning but rather will prove to be loving and kind.

We also grow spiritually when we serve God by serving others. At times this may mean ministering to someone who tends to bring out our worst qualities. Getting involved in his or her life, though, can help us learn patience, acceptance, and love.

One additional step is to respond properly to pain and difficulty. We all wish our greatest growth came during the calm times of our life. But the truth is, we make the most spiritual progress when we face adversity. Focusing on the Lord instead of on the source of our heartache is the appropriate response.

So the question is, Do you really want to move ahead in your Christian walk? To do so requires time, attention, and commitment. But if you choose to journey down God’s pathway to growth, you can expect to become more like Christ every day.


Pathway To Spiritual Growth By In Touch

2 Peter 3:18

Not many people can say that on the day they accepted Christ, someone explained how to grow spiritually. Sadly, some believers aren’t ever taught. God wants His children to bear the image of Christ, but we do not grow in our faith unless we take action.

First, we are responsible for renewing our mind (Rom. 12:2). Though God saves us and gives us a new spirit, He does not give us a new brain. Our minds have many trenches that have been dug or worn by rebellion, self-focus, or habit. That is why it’s important to meditate on the Bible, which expresses the thoughts of God. Meditation is more than reading—it involves thinking about what the words mean and then applying truth. There’s no way to grow spiritually without absorbing Scripture into our thinking.

A second step toward Christian maturity is being ready to admit and assume responsibility for failure. When we deny our sins, we delay spiritual growth, but as we learn to confess wrongdoing, the opposite happens—growth is inevitable.

The third step naturally follows the second: after confession should come repentance. This is more than a mere acknowledgement of wrongdoing or a promise to try harder. Repentance means that we commit to make an about-face and head in the opposite direction from our sin.

Our Father’s goal is for all believers to continually make progress toward Christlikeness. With these steps, you’ll develop in that direction. And the most important consequence is that your relationship with God will deepen.
