Lighten The Burden Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Christ of Nazareth Is Lord! He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Amarylis: A lot of people in the Catholic Church, they go to the priest to tell their sins. It is better to talk straight to the Lord and tell the sins and ask for forgiveness. Then it’s finish. This is what I love with Jesus, we can tell to Him straight if we committed sins. He will straight away erase it. We do it by faith.


Lighten The Burden Written By Ione Kinzel
Many of us we carry a heavy burden because we don’t know Jesus. We don’t know that Jesus can lighten our burden and break the yoke that bondage us.
We are a sinner’s before we confess our sins to Jesus. The sins we carried was so heavy. We didn’t knew that we carried a heavy burden because the load was spiritual. 

I remember long time ago, I felt the burden but I couldn’t pin point. Something just either pulled me backward or put me to a stop. I went to church with my mother but still heavy. The church we went never talk about Jesus got power to deliver us. Nobody knew in that church that the name of Jesus could set us free. I carried the burden of my sins for so many years.

Then I heard about the Word of God and Jesus. I just talked to Lord and asked for forgiveness. I recalled my sins and told the Lord to forgive me. One by one I told Him without shame because nobody was listening. That was between me and Him only. I didn’t go to the Pastor or other Christian to tell my sins. I went straight to Jesus. During that time I couldn’t hear the Holy Spirit but I just put faith that He heard me. I felt so good when I told Him my sins. 
As I attached myself to the Word, I was abled to remember others sins I did, so immediately I went straight to Jesus and told Him the sins I remembered. The Holy Spirit will help us to remember so that we can give it to the Lord and free ourselves from guilt and shame.
The Lord blotted all my sins, erase it and I am free. The moment I stumble, I am quick to run to the Lord and tell Him my sins so that He can remove it from me and forgive me. Jesus bore our sins. He died for us. He bought us for His Father in Heaven. He paid it all for once. The cross that is where our sins go.
Many times, the moment the devil will remind me of my sins in the past. I tell the Lord, and the Lord will tell me ” I can’t remember you have sin.” 
I walk now free from sins. When evil visit my mind, I will rebuke it and cast it out. Our mind is the place where evil always visit and tempt us. So I watch my mind all the time that it will resist to the evil thoughts. For me, that is the way to stay sound mind and self control.
If we can control our mind, then we can’t sin. If we sin, then we humble ourselves to the Lord and run to Him. No other person is listening in our bedroom. We can tell the Lord. That is to lighten the load. That is one way to remove the baggages from our past. It is no good and there is no wisdom to carry our sins and baggages from our past, we give straight to the Lord and let Him carry, He is God. Then we can move freely and dance freely knowing we are free from guilt and shame.

False Responsibilities Has To Go If One Wants Progress Speedily Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis: I Declare Jesus Is Lord! He Is Lord Of Lords.

Amarylis: Identify your baggages. A lot of times we don’t know what we are carrying anymore because it becomes the norm. Baggages like taking people ‘s responsibilities, letting others use your credit card to help out that person, oh dear my friend wants to use my Medicare card for her prescriptions , Oh No. Paying debts for other people( this is excluding if God told you then if the Holy Spirit told you then do it) etc. it will stop us reaching our destinations because of the spirit burden. Very heavy. Cast this out, use deliverance warfare. It stuck unless we fight in spirit.


This week I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me ” Ione, I speak to him( relation) in his conscience that you are not coming back to him.”
True, out of fear of reality has come, he wrote a letter. But it’s too late. I got Heaven back me up, the Heaven don’t approved the people of God to be down trodden by spoiled ungrateful people.
I used to say to myself ” one day, I will be out. One day I will be out.” My other relation screamed on the telephone because of the enormous pressures of non stop money request. She would say I will not keep in touch, I will stop sending but can’t do it because of the family ties. But things change because it’s not God’s Will to carry burden that is not yours. That is not God Kingdom way to carry false responsibilities. When we still keep doing it even we know it is not God’s will. God will not bring us to a higher level because we disobey Him. Only obedience Will he trust to bring us to farther distance. Because the baggages will pull us down. We will be like a turtle or caterpillar. These are spirits that will manifest in our life. No wonder hardly any progress but stuck, limited and worn out with no savings but debts.

The Soul And The Baggages Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : this writer was showing you how we end up having baggages in our life. It is spiritual realm that we can’t see. We feel heaviness but can’t point it out. So if we can’t point it out what is the root cause then we can’t solve the problem effectively.

John 10:10 Amplified Bible (AMP)
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

Do you know our soul has layers. If you expose yourself to things, to places or to people. You suck them into you and deposited to your layers of your soul( mind, will and emotion). So you become tied to these things called Soul Ties. So if you expose yourself to pornography, to gambling, to foul people, gossips , negativity , witchcraft , occults etc, you suck them and they are deposited to your layers of your soul. When you go to the clubs see this x- rated show girls, the demons you can’t see will vomit in you. Same thing when you go to see a movie and see this ungodly entertainment . When you get out, the demons outside knows that you have been looking to this ungodly entertainment because they saw the vomit green stuff in your body. You can’t deceive demons. They know if you are listening to ungodly things. So they follow you and show you some more. That is why you wonder why there is always somebody who will bring you ungodly stuff and always somebody lure you and bring you to ungodly places . Green vomit stuff I saw it in my eyes, I saw on the wall in my place long time ago where there was spiritual demons domination in my place( I don’t know yet how to defend myself, don’t know God), a mucus green stuff. It was a marked of demonic activity( witchcraft ). So a lot of demons and evil spirits came to have a look. So it is just like that. Believe it or not it is real.

Avoid ungodly entertainment , associations and places.

Your are tied up with them( bondage ). We call it baggages we carry. It becomes burden to our life. There is no sense of peace, lots of confusion, we seems to get in trouble all the time. We just feel in our spirit something is heavy inside in us we we can’t pinpoint what’s wrong. You see people get married again and again and you notice them marrying the same personality over and over again. Here is the gambler can’t stop, always being lured to the same place. This person tried his might to stop but can’t stop. It is bondage.

How to get rid? First we make Jesus Christ our Lord. We confess our sins to Him and genuinely repent. Then bind that evil thing that ruin your life or dominate your life and loose it away from you using the name of Jesus. You speak up with your mouth. This is example: ” spirit of pornography I bind you and take you inside in me and I loose you away from me right now in Jesus Name. Come out in Jesus Name! Go and never to come to me In Jesus Name!” You picture that it get out from you and fly away from you. Then feed your spirit with the Word of God. Psalm 103 Psalm 91, Psalm 23, Isaiah 54 and more. Hold on to the Word of God, don’t let it go because that spirit that you just sent away ended up in the desert has no place to go. That spirit will check you up if that soul is empty with God’s Word. He will check your spirit if you have Word of God in you. If he found out that you have no Word in you, he will come back to occupy that vacant space and will invite legions of evil spirits and get worse. You will become worse than before. But the good thing if you got the Word of God, that Word will change your life for ever, A New Person, a successful person that you never imagine in your life. Be Blessed with this post. It is for you.


The Truth Written By Ione Kinzel

From Amarylis : I Declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : the more we are sin conscious, the more we sin.
Only The Lord Jesus can deliver us and solve our issues in life.

Ephesians 2:18
For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

If you base your Faith in religion is like looking yourself to the mirror, there you see your face plenty of filthy dirt. No one was abled to follow all the rules and the doctrine, no matter how many hours kneeling at the floor. The more we look to the Ten Commandments, the more we sin. Only Jesus Christ followed all the rules . He didn’t commit sin. He completed and finished it all at the cross. So when the Son sets Free You are free indeed . But do you have Jesus. You can’t be free without Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way ,life and the truth. You can’t be free without Him. Our soul have so much layers for all the years went by, we deposited so much undesirable inside in that layers. It become a bondage. We carry the heavy burden that even us can’t explain . It has been accumulated inside in that layer for so many years and we carried that baggages that we don’t know how to get rid of it. The burden is heavy. We are worn out. Jesus is the answer. He is the yoke destroyer. You want to be free? Free from generational curse, free from witchcraft , free from sickness and disease, free from fear, free from oppressions,, free from guilt and condemnation, free from inferiority complex and low self esteem, free from mental poverty, free from bondage of the people, free from wrong soul ties etc. Get into His Word. He is the Word. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Meditate day and night and you shall prosper.
