Generational Curse ( I forgot the writer’s name)

From Amarylis: I declare Jesus Christ Is Lord!

Amarylis : it is important that you know about what is generational curse. You can stop it by declaring using the Name of Jesus. This articles shows the difference between a blessed generations to a curse generations. This article been posted for the second time in this blog.

Generational Curses
Max Juke’s was an atheist who married a godless woman . Some 560 descendants where traced:
.310 died as paupers.
.150 became criminals, 7 of them murderers.
.100 were known to be drunkards.
.More than half the women were prostitutes.

In all, the descendants cost the U.S. government one and a quarter million 19th- century dollars.

Generational Blessings
Jonathan Edwards was contemporary of Max Jukes. He was a committed Christian who married a godly young lady. Some 1,394 descendants were traced. Of these:

. 295 graduated from college, from whom13 became college presidents and 65 became professors.
. 3 were elected as United States senators, 3 as a state governors, and others sent as ministers to foreign countries.
. 30 were judges.
. 100 were lawyers, one of the dean of an outstanding law school.
. 56 practiced as physicians, one was dean of a medical school.
. 75 became officers in the army and navy.
. 100 were well- known missionaries, preachers, and prominent authors.
. Another 80 held some form of public office, of whom 3 were mayors of large cities.
. One was the comptroller of the U.S. Treasury, another a vice- president of the United States.

Not one the descendants of the Edwards family was a liability to the government.


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